Nihon Jodokai established a new grading system in April 2000, which Stockholm Jodokai follows. Previously there was a kyu-dan-system from 4 kyu.
The old traditional certificates in Shindo Muso Ryu begins with Okuirisho, a recognition that it has "entered" into oku, ie train Okuden, Shomokuroku, "little directory", Gomokuroku, "the latter directory", and the master certificates Menkyou and Menkyo Kaiden.
The new system is a prequel to the old certificates and is based on the kata Omote, Chudan, and Kage. For each of these three kata there is a division into 3 levels, Sho - Chu - Jo (low, medium and high).
From lowest to highest - the following levels:
Omote waza Sho Kyu | Omote waza Chu Kyu | Omote waza Jo Kyu |
Chudan waza Sho Kyu | Chudan waza Chu Kyu | Chudan waza Jo Kyu |
Kage waza Sho Kyu | Kage waza Chu Kyu | Kage waza Jo Kyu |
Okuirisho | Shomokuroku | Gomokuroku |
Menkyo | Menkyo Kaiden |
Here can see the forms which belong to the material for each grade.